Sea temperature in Viana do Castelo in Portugal real-time sea temperature, 7-day forecast and historical data

Do you want to swim in the sea in Viana do Castelo in Portugal today? First, check if the sea temperature is appropriate for swimming with our data that is updated daily, and our water temperature forecast in Viana do Castelo for the next few days.

Temperature of the sea in Viana do Castelo today

Currently, the sea water temperature in Viana do Castelo is at most:


(or 3° lower than the seasonal norm)

Other useful information about today's weather:

  • Outside temperature: 63°F to 63°F
  • Partly Cloudy
  • The wind is blowing at 3.1mph
  • Wave height is 2.6ft on average, and 2.6ft at most, with a frequency of a wave every 10 seconds.
  • More details on the sea weather of Viana do Castelo page

This report was generated on 20/09/2024

History of water temperature in Viana do Castelo

We record the water temperature daily in Viana do Castelo In this way, we can provide you with the average sea temperature in Viana do Castelo over the last 24 months and a more detailed chart for recent months.

Monthly sea temperature averages over 24 months

september 2024
Average water temperature: 61°F (59°F to 65°F)
august 2024
Average water temperature: 61°F (59°F to 65°F)
july 2024
Average water temperature: 58°F (58°F to 61°F)
june 2024
Average water temperature: 58°F (58°F to 61°F)
may 2024
Average water temperature: 56°F (56°F to 59°F)
april 2024
Average water temperature: 55°F (54°F to 59°F)
march 2024
Average water temperature: 55°F (52°F to 58°F)
february 2024
Average water temperature: 55°F (54°F to 59°F)
january 2024
Average water temperature: 56°F (54°F to 59°F)
december 2023
Average water temperature: 58°F (56°F to 61°F)
november 2023
Average water temperature: 61°F (58°F to 65°F)
october 2023
Average water temperature: 62°F (61°F to 65°F)
september 2023
Average water temperature: 61°F (59°F to 67°F)
august 2023
Average water temperature: 60°F (59°F to 61°F)
july 2023
Average water temperature: 60°F (59°F to 63°F)
june 2023
Average water temperature: 60°F (58°F to 63°F)
may 2023
Average water temperature: 57°F (56°F to 61°F)
april 2023
Average water temperature: 56°F (54°F to 58°F)
march 2023
Average water temperature: 54°F (52°F to 58°F)
february 2023
Average water temperature: 56°F (54°F to 58°F)
january 2023
Average water temperature: 58°F (56°F to 61°F)
december 2022
Average water temperature: 60°F (58°F to 63°F)
november 2022
Average water temperature: 61°F (59°F to 65°F)
october 2022
Average water temperature: 60°F (59°F to 61°F)

Variation of water temperature in Viana do Castelo over the past 2 months


The information provided on this page regarding the sea temperature in Viana do Castelo is for informational purposes only. It is the surface temperature of the sea measured by satellite, based on data available at the time of consultation. These data may vary depending on several factors such as local weather conditions, tides, and other variables. We therefore recommend consulting additional local sources for updated information before making any decisions based on this data.

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