Sea weather in Severo-Kuril'sk in Russia All the beach weather in Severo-Kuril'sk
All the essential weather information for enjoying the beach in Severo-Kuril'sk in Russia, for swimming, tanning or water sports! Our sea weather data is reliable, easy to read and updated every day.
Weather: When should you go to the beach in Severo-Kuril'sk over the next 7 days?
Discover the best moment to go to the beach in Severo-Kuril'sk in Russia this week to enjoy the best weather and calmest sea possible. Our opinion is based on reliable sea weather forecasts in Severo-Kuril'sk. You can see full forecasts by clicking on the day you want to see in the table below.
Date | Outside temp. | Max wind | Our opinion | Details |
Monday 30 December 2024 | 23°F to 25°F | 26.7mph | not recommended | all the sea weather |
Tuesday 31 December 2024 | 22°F to 25°F | 9.9mph | not recommended | all the sea weather |
Wednesday 1 January 2025 | 20°F to 27°F | 16.2mph | not recommended | all the sea weather |
Thursday 2 January 2025 | 23°F to 29°F | 18.6mph | not recommended | all the sea weather |
Friday 3 January 2025 | 27°F to 32°F | 22.4mph | not recommended | all the sea weather |
Saturday 4 January 2025 | 31°F to 34°F | 28.6mph | not recommended | all the sea weather |
Sunday 5 January 2025 | 27°F to 32°F | 13.7mph | not recommended | all the sea weather |
Sea Weather: Your daily and hourly sea weather in Severo-Kuril'sk
Sea weather on Monday 30 December 2024
On Monday 30 December 2024, the sun will rise at 07:37 and will set at 15:39 on the beach(es) of Severo-Kuril'sk. The outside temperature will be a high of 25°F t and a low of 23°F. There will be little to no precipitation today, so unless you go swimming, you can enjoy the beach and stay dry! Be careful, the sea will be generally rough with a wind speed of up to 27.3mph km/h (with gusts up to 37.9mph). Wave height will be up to 4.3ft today.
0:00 | 3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Weather | ||||||||
Sky condition | ||||||||
Outside temperature | -4°C (24°F) | -4°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (22°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (23°F) |
Perceived temperature | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -14°C (8°F) | -14°C (7°F) | -15°C (5°F) | -15°C (6°F) | -14°C (6°F) |
Precipitation | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in |
Humidity | 68% | 72% | 69% | 71% | 73% | 75% | 72% | 76% |
Barometric pressure | 998 hPa | 998 hPa | 999 hPa | 999 hPa | 999 hPa | 1000 hPa | 1000 hPa | 1001 hPa |
Cloud cover | 56% | 71% | 70% | 53% | 74% | 56% | 51% | 69% |
Heat index | -4°C (24°F) | -4°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (22°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (23°F) |
Dew point | -9°C (16°F) | -9°C (17°F) | -9°C (15°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -9°C (15°F) | -9°C (17°F) |
Wind | ||||||||
Speed | 41km/h (25mph) | 40km/h (25mph) | 39km/h (24mph) | 39km/h (24mph) | 41km/h (26mph) | 44km/h (27mph) | 44km/h (28mph) | 43km/h (27mph) |
Gusts | 52km/h (32mph) | 51km/h (31mph) | 52km/h (32mph) | 51km/h (32mph) | 56km/h (35mph) | 61km/h (38mph) | 51km/h (32mph) | 57km/h (36mph) |
Direction | 302° WNW | 303° WNW | 307° NW | 312° NW | 310° NW | 310° NW | 310° NW | 312° NW |
Wind chill | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -14°C (8°F) | -14°C (7°F) | -15°C (5°F) | -15°C (6°F) | -14°C (6°F) |
Waves | ||||||||
Height | 1.0m (3.2ft) | 1.0m (3.2ft) | 0.9m (3.0ft) | 1.0m (3.3ft) | 1.1m (3.8ft) | 1.3m (4.1ft) | 1.2m (4.0ft) | 1.1m (3.7ft) |
Direction | 290° WNW | 285° WNW | 302° WNW | 310° NW | 92° E | 89° E | 89° E | 89° E |
Period | 11.6 sec. | 11.0 sec. | 10.6 sec. | 11.1 sec. | 14.2 sec. | 13.4 sec. | 13.0 sec. | 12.5 sec. |
Significant height | 1.7m (5.6ft) | 1.7m (5.6ft) | 1.5m (4.9ft) | 1.8m (5.9ft) | 1.9m (6.2ft) | 2.0m (6.6ft) | 1.7m (5.6ft) | 1.7m (5.6ft) |
Sea water temperature | ||||||||
Water temperature | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) |
Sea weather on Tuesday 31 December 2024
On Tuesday 31 December 2024, the sun will rise at 07:37 and will set at 15:40 on the beach(es) of Severo-Kuril'sk. The outside temperature will be a high of 25°F t and a low of 22°F. There will be little to no precipitation today, so unless you go swimming, you can enjoy the beach and stay dry! Be careful, the sea will be generally rough with a wind speed of up to 26.7mph km/h (with gusts up to 34.8mph). Wave height will be up to 3.6ft today.
0:00 | 3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Weather | ||||||||
Sky condition | ||||||||
Outside temperature | -5°C (24°F) | -4°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (23°F) |
Perceived temperature | -14°C (7°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (9°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -12°C (11°F) | -12°C (11°F) | -11°C (12°F) |
Precipitation | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in |
Humidity | 70% | 68% | 68% | 66% | 59% | 61% | 65% | 63% |
Barometric pressure | 1002 hPa | 1002 hPa | 1004 hPa | 1005 hPa | 1005 hPa | 1006 hPa | 1007 hPa | 1007 hPa |
Cloud cover | 69% | 61% | 63% | 57% | 100% | 83% | 86% | 58% |
Heat index | -5°C (24°F) | -4°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (23°F) |
Dew point | -9°C (16°F) | -9°C (15°F) | -9°C (15°F) | -10°C (14°F) | -11°C (12°F) | -11°C (12°F) | -11°C (13°F) | -11°C (12°F) |
Wind | ||||||||
Speed | 43km/h (27mph) | 39km/h (24mph) | 35km/h (22mph) | 31km/h (19mph) | 28km/h (17mph) | 23km/h (14mph) | 20km/h (12mph) | 16km/h (10mph) |
Gusts | 56km/h (34mph) | 51km/h (31mph) | 47km/h (29mph) | 42km/h (26mph) | 41km/h (26mph) | 36km/h (23mph) | 31km/h (19mph) | 26km/h (16mph) |
Direction | 315° NW | 310° NW | 310° NW | 311° NW | 314° NW | 310° NW | 315° NW | 318° NW |
Wind chill | -14°C (7°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (9°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -12°C (11°F) | -12°C (11°F) | -11°C (12°F) |
Waves | ||||||||
Height | 1.1m (3.5ft) | 1.0m (3.2ft) | 0.9m (2.9ft) | 0.8m (2.5ft) | 0.7m (2.2ft) | 0.6m (1.9ft) | 0.6m (1.8ft) | 0.6m (1.9ft) |
Direction | 89° E | 89° E | 88° E | 86° E | 84° E | 83° E | 84° E | 79° ENE |
Period | 12.2 sec. | 12.1 sec. | 11.9 sec. | 11.6 sec. | 11.1 sec. | 10.9 sec. | 10.6 sec. | 10.4 sec. |
Significant height | 1.5m (4.9ft) | 1.4m (4.6ft) | 1.2m (3.9ft) | 1.0m (3.3ft) | 0.8m (2.6ft) | 0.7m (2.3ft) | 0.6m (2ft) | 0.6m (2ft) |
Sea water temperature | ||||||||
Water temperature | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) |
Sea weather on Wednesday 1 January 2025
On Wednesday 1 January 2025, the sun will rise at 07:37 and will set at 15:41 on the beach(es) of Severo-Kuril'sk. The outside temperature will be a high of 27°F t and a low of 20°F. There will be little to no precipitation today, so unless you go swimming, you can enjoy the beach and stay dry! The sea will be generally calm, with a wind speed of up to 19.3mph km/h (with gusts up to 28.6mph). Wave height will be up to 9.2ft today.
0:00 | 3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Weather | ||||||||
Sky condition | ||||||||
Outside temperature | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -3°C (26°F) |
Perceived temperature | -11°C (12°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -14°C (7°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -14°C (8°F) | -13°C (9°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -10°C (14°F) |
Precipitation | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in |
Humidity | 72% | 60% | 57% | 63% | 67% | 72% | 72% | 79% |
Barometric pressure | 1007 hPa | 1006 hPa | 1006 hPa | 1006 hPa | 1005 hPa | 1004 hPa | 1003 hPa | 1003 hPa |
Cloud cover | 83% | 8% | 12% | 27% | 40% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Heat index | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -3°C (26°F) |
Dew point | -9°C (16°F) | -11°C (12°F) | -13°C (9°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -12°C (11°F) | -10°C (14°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -6°C (20°F) |
Wind | ||||||||
Speed | 22km/h (14mph) | 29km/h (18mph) | 31km/h (19mph) | 20km/h (12mph) | 19km/h (12mph) | 24km/h (15mph) | 26km/h (16mph) | 26km/h (16mph) |
Gusts | 29km/h (18mph) | 37km/h (23mph) | 46km/h (28mph) | 32km/h (20mph) | 34km/h (21mph) | 37km/h (23mph) | 41km/h (25mph) | 38km/h (24mph) |
Direction | 357° N | 358° N | 5° N | 6° N | 9° N | 9° N | 10° N | 32° NNE |
Wind chill | -11°C (12°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -14°C (7°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -14°C (8°F) | -13°C (9°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -10°C (14°F) |
Waves | ||||||||
Height | 0.6m (2.0ft) | 0.6m (2.1ft) | 0.8m (2.5ft) | 1.2m (3.9ft) | 1.9m (6.2ft) | 2.4m (7.9ft) | 2.7m (8.9ft) | 2.8m (9.3ft) |
Direction | 84° E | 83° E | 84° E | 95° E | 69° ENE | 69° ENE | 70° ENE | 76° ENE |
Period | 12.0 sec. | 11.9 sec. | 11.7 sec. | 14.7 sec. | 10.8 sec. | 13.3 sec. | 11.8 sec. | 12.9 sec. |
Significant height | 0.6m (2ft) | 0.5m (1.6ft) | 1.1m (3.6ft) | 1.3m (4.3ft) | 1.6m (5.2ft) | 1.9m (6.2ft) | 2.0m (6.6ft) | 2.0m (6.6ft) |
Sea water temperature | ||||||||
Water temperature | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) |
Sea weather on Thursday 2 January 2025
On Thursday 2 January 2025, the sun will rise at 07:37 and will set at 15:42 on the beach(es) of Severo-Kuril'sk. The outside temperature will be a high of 29°F t and a low of 23°F. There will be little to no precipitation today, so unless you go swimming, you can enjoy the beach and stay dry! The sea will be generally calm, with a wind speed of up to 22.4mph km/h (with gusts up to 29.8mph). Wave height will be up to 15.4ft today.
0:00 | 3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Weather | ||||||||
Sky condition | ||||||||
Outside temperature | -2°C (28°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -4°C (25°F) |
Perceived temperature | -9°C (15°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -11°C (13°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (9°F) | -12°C (11°F) |
Precipitation | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in |
Humidity | 84% | 73% | 73% | 77% | 75% | 76% | 77% | 76% |
Barometric pressure | 1004 hPa | 1003 hPa | 1003 hPa | 1002 hPa | 1001 hPa | 1000 hPa | 999 hPa | 999 hPa |
Cloud cover | 100% | 100% | 61% | 22% | 8% | 5% | 17% | 19% |
Heat index | -2°C (28°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -4°C (25°F) |
Dew point | -4°C (24°F) | -6°C (21°F) | -7°C (19°F) | -6°C (20°F) | -8°C (18°F) | -8°C (17°F) | -8°C (17°F) | -8°C (18°F) |
Wind | ||||||||
Speed | 29km/h (18mph) | 32km/h (20mph) | 19km/h (12mph) | 33km/h (21mph) | 36km/h (23mph) | 36km/h (22mph) | 33km/h (21mph) | 30km/h (19mph) |
Gusts | 40km/h (25mph) | 44km/h (27mph) | 30km/h (18mph) | 48km/h (30mph) | 40km/h (25mph) | 40km/h (25mph) | 34km/h (21mph) | 32km/h (20mph) |
Direction | 33° NNE | 40° NE | 347° NNW | 337° NNW | 339° NNW | 335° NNW | 324° NW | 316° NW |
Wind chill | -9°C (15°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -11°C (13°F) | -12°C (10°F) | -13°C (8°F) | -13°C (9°F) | -12°C (11°F) |
Waves | ||||||||
Height | 3.2m (10.4ft) | 3.9m (12.7ft) | 3.9m (13.0ft) | 4.3m (14.1ft) | 4.4m (14.4ft) | 4.7m (15.6ft) | 4.3m (14.3ft) | 4.3m (14.2ft) |
Direction | 76° ENE | 86° E | 96° E | 126° SE | 125° SE | 121° ESE | 106° ESE | 107° ESE |
Period | 12.3 sec. | 11.9 sec. | 12.1 sec. | 12.7 sec. | 12.6 sec. | 12.1 sec. | 11.2 sec. | 11.9 sec. |
Significant height | 2.5m (8.2ft) | 2.3m (7.5ft) | 1.9m (6.2ft) | 1.9m (6.2ft) | 1.8m (5.9ft) | 2.4m (7.9ft) | 1.8m (5.9ft) | 1.9m (6.2ft) |
Sea water temperature | ||||||||
Water temperature | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) |
Sea weather on Friday 3 January 2025
On Friday 3 January 2025, the sun will rise at 07:37 and will set at 15:43 on the beach(es) of Severo-Kuril'sk. The outside temperature will be a high of 32°F t and a low of 27°F. Precipitation is in the forecast (0.1in throughout the day): choose the right time to go to the beach and dodge the raindrops. The sea will be generally calm, with a wind speed of up to 22.4mph km/h (with gusts up to 32.3mph). Wave height will be up to 18.4ft today.
0:00 | 3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Weather | ||||||||
Sky condition | ||||||||
Outside temperature | -3°C (26°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -3°C (26°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -2°C (28°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -2°C (29°F) | 0°C (32°F) |
Perceived temperature | -11°C (13°F) | -10°C (14°F) | -11°C (13°F) | -10°C (13°F) | -10°C (15°F) | -9°C (15°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -7°C (19°F) |
Precipitation | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0.1in | 0in |
Humidity | 78% | 76% | 77% | 76% | 78% | 88% | 94% | 94% |
Barometric pressure | 997 hPa | 995 hPa | 994 hPa | 993 hPa | 991 hPa | 990 hPa | 990 hPa | 992 hPa |
Cloud cover | 5% | 46% | 48% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Heat index | -3°C (26°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -3°C (26°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -2°C (28°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -2°C (29°F) | 0°C (32°F) |
Dew point | -7°C (20°F) | -6°C (20°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -6°C (20°F) | -5°C (22°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -1°C (30°F) |
Wind | ||||||||
Speed | 28km/h (18mph) | 29km/h (18mph) | 33km/h (20mph) | 33km/h (21mph) | 32km/h (20mph) | 35km/h (21mph) | 32km/h (20mph) | 36km/h (22mph) |
Gusts | 41km/h (25mph) | 40km/h (25mph) | 49km/h (30mph) | 37km/h (23mph) | 33km/h (21mph) | 52km/h (32mph) | 49km/h (30mph) | 39km/h (24mph) |
Direction | 315° NW | 311° NW | 315° NW | 316° NW | 311° NW | 323° NW | 325° NW | 27° NNE |
Wind chill | -11°C (13°F) | -10°C (14°F) | -11°C (13°F) | -10°C (13°F) | -10°C (15°F) | -9°C (15°F) | -9°C (16°F) | -7°C (19°F) |
Waves | ||||||||
Height | 4.0m (13.2ft) | 3.6m (12.0ft) | 4.2m (13.8ft) | 4.5m (14.7ft) | 5.6m (18.4ft) | 5.1m (16.6ft) | 4.8m (15.6ft) | 4.9m (16.1ft) |
Direction | 108° ESE | 108° ESE | 103° ESE | 105° ESE | 104° ESE | 112° ESE | 114° ESE | 114° ESE |
Period | 10.7 sec. | 10.7 sec. | 10.7 sec. | 11.5 sec. | 12.4 sec. | 12.8 sec. | 12.8 sec. | 12.6 sec. |
Significant height | 1.6m (5.2ft) | 2.1m (6.9ft) | 2.4m (7.9ft) | 2.5m (8.2ft) | 2.8m (9.2ft) | 2.4m (7.9ft) | 2.4m (7.9ft) | 2.7m (8.9ft) |
Sea water temperature | ||||||||
Water temperature | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) |
Sea weather on Saturday 4 January 2025
On Saturday 4 January 2025, the sun will rise at 07:36 and will set at 15:44 on the beach(es) of Severo-Kuril'sk. The outside temperature will be a high of 34°F t and a low of 31°F. Precipitation is in the forecast (0.1in throughout the day): choose the right time to go to the beach and dodge the raindrops. Be careful, the sea will be generally rough with a wind speed of up to 29.2mph km/h (with gusts up to 34.8mph). Wave height will be up to 17.1ft today.
0:00 | 3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Weather | ||||||||
Sky condition | ||||||||
Outside temperature | 1°C (33°F) | 0°C (33°F) | 0°C (32°F) | 1°C (33°F) | 0°C (33°F) | 0°C (32°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -1°C (31°F) |
Perceived temperature | -7°C (20°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -6°C (21°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -7°C (19°F) | -8°C (18°F) | -8°C (17°F) | -9°C (16°F) |
Precipitation | 0in | 0in | 0.1in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in |
Humidity | 94% | 98% | 98% | 97% | 92% | 94% | 90% | 88% |
Barometric pressure | 993 hPa | 994 hPa | 996 hPa | 997 hPa | 998 hPa | 999 hPa | 1000 hPa | 1002 hPa |
Cloud cover | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 93% | 66% |
Heat index | 1°C (33°F) | 0°C (33°F) | 0°C (32°F) | 1°C (33°F) | 0°C (33°F) | 0°C (32°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -1°C (31°F) |
Dew point | -0°C (32°F) | 0°C (32°F) | -0°C (32°F) | 0°C (32°F) | -1°C (31°F) | -1°C (31°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -3°C (28°F) |
Wind | ||||||||
Speed | 44km/h (27mph) | 38km/h (23mph) | 27km/h (17mph) | 41km/h (26mph) | 44km/h (28mph) | 45km/h (28mph) | 47km/h (29mph) | 46km/h (29mph) |
Gusts | 46km/h (29mph) | 56km/h (35mph) | 41km/h (25mph) | 48km/h (30mph) | 47km/h (29mph) | 51km/h (32mph) | 54km/h (34mph) | 52km/h (32mph) |
Direction | 40° NE | 29° NNE | 13° NNE | 40° NE | 52° NE | 51° NE | 52° NE | 49° NE |
Wind chill | -7°C (20°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -6°C (21°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -7°C (19°F) | -8°C (18°F) | -8°C (17°F) | -9°C (16°F) |
Waves | ||||||||
Height | 5.2m (17.1ft) | 5.1m (16.7ft) | 4.7m (15.4ft) | 4.5m (14.9ft) | 4.5m (14.7ft) | 4.3m (14.0ft) | 4.2m (13.8ft) | 4.5m (14.6ft) |
Direction | 108° ESE | 109° ESE | 109° ESE | 109° ESE | 103° ESE | 103° ESE | 102° ESE | 100° E |
Period | 12.1 sec. | 11.8 sec. | 11.6 sec. | 11.4 sec. | 11.1 sec. | 10.7 sec. | 10.5 sec. | 10.4 sec. |
Significant height | 2.7m (8.9ft) | 2.6m (8.5ft) | 2.4m (7.9ft) | 2.5m (8.2ft) | 2.6m (8.5ft) | 2.5m (8.2ft) | 2.6m (8.5ft) | 2.8m (9.2ft) |
Sea water temperature | ||||||||
Water temperature | -0°C (31°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -0°C (31°F) | -0°C (31°F) |
Sea weather on Sunday 5 January 2025
On Sunday 5 January 2025, the sun will rise at 07:36 and will set at 15:46 on the beach(es) of Severo-Kuril'sk. The outside temperature will be a high of 32°F t and a low of 27°F. There will be little to no precipitation today, so unless you go swimming, you can enjoy the beach and stay dry! The sea will be generally calm, with a wind speed of up to 23mph km/h (with gusts up to 32.9mph). Wave height will be up to 14.8ft today.
0:00 | 3:00 | 6:00 | 9:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Weather | ||||||||
Sky condition | ||||||||
Outside temperature | -0°C (32°F) | 0°C (33°F) | -1°C (31°F) | -1°C (31°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -1°C (30°F) |
Perceived temperature | -7°C (19°F) | -6°C (21°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -8°C (17°F) | -7°C (19°F) |
Precipitation | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in | 0in |
Humidity | 77% | 73% | 78% | 77% | 78% | 81% | 80% | 85% |
Barometric pressure | 1003 hPa | 1002 hPa | 1004 hPa | 1004 hPa | 1004 hPa | 1003 hPa | 1003 hPa | 1002 hPa |
Cloud cover | 56% | 61% | 68% | 100% | 87% | 83% | 26% | 78% |
Heat index | -0°C (32°F) | 0°C (33°F) | -1°C (31°F) | -1°C (31°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -2°C (29°F) | -3°C (27°F) | -1°C (30°F) |
Dew point | -4°C (26°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -5°C (23°F) | -5°C (24°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -4°C (26°F) |
Wind | ||||||||
Speed | 37km/h (23mph) | 32km/h (20mph) | 18km/h (11mph) | 9km/h (6mph) | 11km/h (7mph) | 14km/h (9mph) | 17km/h (11mph) | 22km/h (14mph) |
Gusts | 53km/h (33mph) | 47km/h (29mph) | 29km/h (18mph) | 15km/h (9mph) | 21km/h (13mph) | 25km/h (16mph) | 33km/h (21mph) | 36km/h (22mph) |
Direction | 47° NE | 41° NE | 7° N | 323° NW | 270° W | 282° WNW | 283° WNW | 292° WNW |
Wind chill | -7°C (19°F) | -6°C (21°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -4°C (25°F) | -6°C (22°F) | -7°C (20°F) | -8°C (17°F) | -7°C (19°F) |
Waves | ||||||||
Height | 4.5m (14.8ft) | 4.3m (14.2ft) | 3.9m (12.9ft) | 3.8m (12.4ft) | 3.6m (11.8ft) | 3.4m (11.0ft) | 3.1m (10.3ft) | 2.9m (9.6ft) |
Direction | 99° E | 98° E | 98° E | 93° E | 97° E | 98° E | 98° E | 98° E |
Period | 10.4 sec. | 10.4 sec. | 8.1 sec. | 8.1 sec. | 8.0 sec. | 8.0 sec. | 11.1 sec. | 11.4 sec. |
Significant height | 2.8m (9.2ft) | 2.7m (8.9ft) | 2.0m (6.6ft) | 2.0m (6.6ft) | 1.8m (5.9ft) | 1.5m (4.9ft) | 1.1m (3.6ft) | 0.8m (2.6ft) |
Sea water temperature | ||||||||
Water temperature | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) | 2°C (35°F) |